General Information
Undergraduate students who want to perform research for credit in the laboratory of a faculty member in the College of Medicine* should enroll in BMS 4905, not the 4905 course of their respective college. BMS 4905 is a variable credit hour course, 1 – 3 credit hours; there is not a 0 credit option. Please note that 1 hour of credit is at least 60 hours in the lab over the semester. This is based on 1 credit hour = 4 hours in lab for a 15 week semester. Students who are MCY or MCB majors are restricted to registering for 2 credit hours per semester with a transcript total of 10 credits under any UF undergraduate research course (including MCB, BMS, ISS, ZOO). Once the maximum of 10 credits is on your UF transcript, no additional credits can be taken.
*Students planning to perform research for a faculty member in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology should register for BCH4905
How Do I Register For BMS 4905?
Effective Fall 2024:
Students must complete the BMS 4905 Mentor Contract in order to be registered for the course. Once the mentor contract is complete, the Office of Graduate Education will enroll you in the appropriate course and credits. You may follow this link to initiate the Contract. Information you will need to complete the form:
- General student information (name, email, UFID, etc.)
- Faculty mentor name and email
We highly encourage you to speak with your faculty mentor in advance regarding appropriateness of the research project, number of credits you plan to take and the workload associated with those credits, and grading criteria for the semester.
Please contact the Office of Graduate Education via email or telephone (352-273-8603) with any questions regarding BMS 4905.
How Do I Register For BMS 4905 AFTER Drop/Add?
Students who wish to enroll in BMS 4905 after drop/add must submit both the Mentor Contract and a request via SIDA (Student Initiated Drop/Add) in ONE.UF. SIDA requests will be processed weekly on Fridays. The class number for Spring 2025 is 11048.
Please note, students who submit registration requests after the drop/add deadline may be assessed a $100 late registration fee.