Last Updated: 10/28/2024
BMS 1st Year Students Courses:
- Core Courses
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Cancer Biology
- Genetics
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Physiology and Pharmacology
- Electives
Advanced Program Courses:
- Cancer Biology (MSA)
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSB)
- Genetics (MSG)
- Immunology & Microbiology (MSI)
- Molecular Cell Biology (MSM)
- Neuroscience (MSN)
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics (PHM)
- Physiology & Aging (PHY)
BMS 1st Year Students Courses
Core Courses
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Room | Course Director(s) |
GMS 7877 | Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Researchrch | 1 | Core | 1-3 | T | 3:30PM-5:30PM | CG-11 | W.McCormack |
GMS 6090 | Journal Club | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | ||||
GMS 6090 | BMS Laboratory Rotation #3 | 1 | Semester | 1-3 |
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Room | Course Director(s) |
BCH 6415 | Advanced Molecular & Cell Biology | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | M,W,F | 11:45-12:35 | R3-265 | L. Bloom |
BCH 6740 | Physical Biochemistry/Structural Biology (requires permission of instructor) | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C2-033 | T. Mareci |
BCH 6746 | Structural Biology: Macromolecular Structure Determination | 1 | Module | 1 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C2-033 | R. McKenna |
BCH 6747 | Structural Biology/Adv. Physical Biochemistry: Spectroscopy & Hydrodynamics | 1 | Module | 2 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C2-033 | T. Mareci |
BCH 7412 | Combined Epigenetics & Adv Gene Regulation | 1 | Module | 2 | T & R | 9:35-11:30 | CGRC 491 | J. Bungert & J. Lu |
BCH 7515 | Structural Biology: Kinetics and Thermodynamics | 1 | Module | 3 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C2-033 | D. Purich |
Cancer Biology
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6065 | Fundamentals of Cancer Biology | 3 | Core | 1-2 | M,W | 8:30-10:30 | Cancer/Genetics Research Complex, Room 101 | D. Siemann |
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6014 | Application of Bioinformatics in Genetics Research (limited to 15) | 1 | Module | 2 | M,W,F | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 336 | L. Zhou |
GMS 6012 | Human Genetics NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 3 | T,Th | 2-3:15 | ARB, R2-265 |
Immunology & Microbiology
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6121 | Infectious Disease | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | M,W,F | 9:30-10:25 | R4-265 | S. Tibbetts |
GMS 6140 | Principles of Immunology | 4 | Semester | 1-3 | M,T,W,F | MWF-10:40-11:30 T-9:30-11:30 | ARB, R2-265 | W. McCormack |
GMS 6162 | Oral Microbiology and Immunology (even only) | 2 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 3:00-5:00 | D5-10 | J. Lemos & J. Abranches |
Molecular Cell Biology
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6421 | Advanced Cell Biology (Need permission of course director) | 4 | Semester | 1-3 | M,W,F | 3:00-4:55 | HPNP 1102 | S. Narayan |
GMS 6064 | Tumor Biology | 1 | Module | 3 | M,W | 9:00-11:00 | HPNP G-109 | S. Narayan |
GMS 6692 | MCB Data Club | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 391 | Lingtao Jin |
Physiology and Pharmacology
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6009 | Principles of Drug Action | 3 | Core | 1-3 | T,Th | 1:30-3:30 | R5-265 | N. Urs |
GMS 6471 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics I | 1 | Core | 1 | T,Th | T 2:00-3:30 Th 3:00-4:30 | M559 | A. Liu |
GMS 6472 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics II | 1 | Module | 2 | T,Th | T 2:00-3:30 Th 3:00-4:30 | M559 | A. Liu |
GMS 6473 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics III | 1 | Module | 3 | T,Th | T 2:00-3:30 Th 3:00-4:30 | M559 | A. Liu |
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Day(s) | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6096 | Introduction to NIH Grant Writing for Biomedical Sciences | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 2:00-3:00 | LG101-A (DeWeese Auditorium) | D. Ricon-Limas |
Concentration Courses
Cancer Biology (MSA)
Graduate Administrator: Demetris Anderson, 273-8014,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
Programming for Biomedical Research & Clinical Practice | 3 | Module | 1-3 | T or Th (students can select either) | Tue 12 – 1:30 PM or Thu 5:15 – 6:45 PM | Virtual | S. Chamala | |
GMS 6064 | Tumor Biology | 1 | Module | 3 | M,W | 9:00-11:00 | Harrell 333 | S. Narayan |
GMS 6065 | Fundamentals of Cancer Biology | 3 | Core | 1-2 | M,W | 8:30-10:30 | CGRC 101 | D. Siemann |
GMS 6335 | Advanced Stem Cell Biology: Tissue Engineering | 1 | Module | 3 | MWF | 3:00pm-3:50pm | Bartram Hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6338 | Cancer Metastasis NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 3 | M,Th | 2:00-4:00 | CGRC 291 | L. Wu & J. Lu |
GMS 6934 | Cancer Biology “Data Discussion” | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | W | 4:00-5:00 | CGRC 101 | D. Siemann |
GMS 6691 | Cancer Biology “Journal Club” (Cancer Biology students ONLY) | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | T | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 133 | M. Zajac-Kaye |
GMS 6013 | Developmental Genetics (Odd Years Only zoom) NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 2 | T,Th | 1:30-3:00 | CGRC436 | M. Cohn |
GMS 6691 | Cell Death | 1 | Module | 2 | T,Th | 1:30-3:30 | CGRC 351 | D. Liao |
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSB)
Graduate Administrator: Teresa White, R3-234, 294-8404,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
BCH 6877 | Recent Advances in Structural Biology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | M | 3:00-3:50 | Zoom | R. McKenna |
BCH 6740 | Physical Biochemistry/Structural Biology (Requires permission of instructor) | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C1-15 | T. Mareci |
BCH 6746 | Structural Biology: Macromolecular Structure Determination | 1 | Module | 1 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C1-15 | R. McKenna |
BCH 6747 | Structural Biology/Advanced Physical Biochemistry: Spectroscopy & Hydrodynamics | 1 | Module | 2 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C1-15 | T. Mareci |
BCH 7515 | Structural Biology: Kinetics & Thermodynamics | 1 | Module | 3 | M,T,W,F | 10:40-11:30 | C1-15 | D. Purich |
BCH 6415 | Advanced Molecular & Cell Biology | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | M,W,F | 11:45-12:35 | C1-11 | L. Bloom |
BCH 6936 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | T | 11:45-12:35 | Zoom | A. Bennett |
BCH 6040 | Research Discussion | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | W | 4:00-5:00 | Zoom | L. Bloom |
GMS 6195 | Chromatin, Transcription & Epigenetics Journal Club (with MSG) NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | Th | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 351 | M. Kladde |
Genetics (MSG)
Graduate Administrator: Kris Minkoff, R2-220, 273-6380,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6331 | Stem Cell Biology | 1 | Module | 1 | MWF | 3:00pm-3:50pm | Bartram Hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6336 | Regenerative Medicine | 1 | Module | 2 | MWF | 3:00pm-3:50pm | Bartram Hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6338 | Cancer Metastasis zoom NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 3 | M,Th | 2:00-4:00 | CGRC 491 | L. Wu & J. Lu |
GMS 6231 | Genomics and Bioinformatics | 3 | Module | 1-3 | T,Th | T-11:45-1:40 Th-11:45-12:35 | C1-003 | M. Kirst & K Balmant |
GMS 6195 | Chromatin, Transcription & Epigenetics Journal Club (with MSG) NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | Th | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 291 | M. Kladde |
GMS 6920 | Genetics Colloquy/Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | W | 4:00-5:00 | ARB, R2-265 | E. Wang |
GMS 6290 | Genetics/Genomics Seminar | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | F | 10:20- 11:10AM | CGRC 133 | C. Mulligan & K. Fujii |
GMS 6013 | Developmental Genetics (Odd Years Only zoom) NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 2 | T,Th | 1:30-3 | CGRC436 | M. Cohn |
GMS 6014 | Application of Bioinformatics in Genetics Research | 1 | Module | 2 | M,W,F | 12:00-1:00pm | CGRC 291 | L. Zhou |
GMS 6012 | Human Genetics NOT OFFERED SPRING 2025 | 1 | Module | 3 | T,Th | 2:00-3:15 | ARB, R2-265 | |
GMS 7191 | MGM Reserach Conference | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | T | 9:00am-10:00am | CGRC 101 auditorium | S Boulant |
GMS 6034 | Advanced Virology I (with MSI) | 1 | Module | 1 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | ARB, R2-265 | S.Boulant |
GMS 6035 | Advanced Virology II, RNA Viruses (with MSI) | 1 | Module | 2 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | ARB, R2-265 | S. Boulant |
GMS 6036 | Advanced Virology III, DNA Viruses (with MSI) | 1 | Module | 3 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | CGRC 236 | S. Boulant |
GMS 6132 | Gene & immunotherapy (online only) | 2 | Semester | 1-3 | Online | P. Gulig | ||
GMS 5905 | Literature Reviews | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 1:30p-2:30p | CGRC 351 | L. McIntyre |
Immunology & Microbiology (MSI)
Graduate Administrator: Kris Minkoff, R2-220, 273-6380,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6121 | Infectious Disease | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | F | 9:30-10:25 | R4-265 | P.Gulig |
GMS 6140 | Principles of Immunology | 4 | Semester | 1-3 | M,T,W,F | M,W,F-10:40-11:30 T-9:30-11:30 | ARB, R2-265 | W. McCormack |
GMS 6034 | Advanced Virology (with MSG) | 1 | Module | 1 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | ARB, R2-265 | S. Boulant |
GMS 6035 | Advanced Virology II, RNA Viruses | 1 | Module | 2 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | ARB, R2-265 | S. Boulant |
GMS 6036 | Advanced Virology III, DNA Viruses | 1 | Module | 3 | M,W,F | 9:35-10:25 | CGRC 236 | S.Zolotukhin |
GMS 6162 | Oral Microbiology and Immunology (even only) | 2 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 3:00-5:00 | D5-10 | J. Lemos & J. Abranches |
GMS 6198 | Bacterial Pathogenesis Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | W | 1:00-2:00 | ARB, R2-265 | L. Kesavalu |
GMS 6196 | Virology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | M | 1:00-2:00 | ARB, R2-265 | Z. Ma |
GMS 6193 | Oral Biology Research Conference | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | M | 11:45-12:45 | Communicore C1-009 | B. Papp |
GMS 6921 | Immunology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | Th | 12:00-1:00 | ARB, R2-265 | R Kolb |
VME 6464 | Molecular Pathogenesis | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | T,F | 8:00-9:30 | not offered spring 2021 | T. Barbet & J. Dame |
VME 6934 | Molecular Pathogenesis | 1 | Module | 3 | T,F | 8:00-9:30 | not offered spring 2021 | T. Barbet & J. Dame |
VME 6934 | Current Topics in Microbial Pathogenesis | 3 | Semester | 1-3 | Th | 12:00-1:00 | not offered spring 2021 | D. Allred |
Molecular Cell Biology (MSM)
Graduate Administrator: Mark Zakshevsky, 273-8471,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6421 | Advanced Cell Biology | 4 | Semester | 1-3 | M,W,F | 3:00-4:55 | HPNP 1102 | S. Narayan |
GMS 6064 | Tumor Biology | 1 | Module | 3 | M,W | 9:00-11:00 | HPNP G-109 | S. Narayan |
GMS 6062 | Protein Trafficking (offered in even years) not offered 2024 | 1 | Module | 3 | T,Th | 1:00-3:00 | DG-41 | J. Aris |
GMS 6063 | Cell Biology of Aging (offered in odd years) | 1 | Module | 3 | T,Th | 3:00-5:00 | J. Aris | |
GMS 6692 | Molecular Cell Biolology Data Club | 1 | Semester | 1-3 | W | 9:30-10:30 | CGRC 451 | N. Makki |
GMS 6331 | Stem Cell Biology | 1 | Module | 1 | MWF | 12:50-1:40 | Bartram hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6335 | Advanced Stem Cell Biology: Tissue Engineering | 1 | Module | 3 | MWF | MWF 3:00pm-3:50pm | Bartram Hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6336 | Advanced Stem Cell Biology – Regenerative Medicine | 1 | Module | 2 | MWF | 12:50-1:40 | Bartram hall 211 | E Scott, M Maden |
GMS 6691 | Cell Death | 1 | Module | 2 | T,Th | 1:30-3:30 | CGRC 351 | D. Liao |
GMS 6690 | Molecular Cell Biology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | T | 12:00-1:00 | CGRC 391 | W. Dunn |
Neuroscience (MSN)
Graduate Administrator: Ikiah Young, L1-100, 273-9384,
Please see the Course Offerings and Calendar page.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PHM)
Graduate Administrator: Melissa Watson, R5-293, 294-5358,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6009 | Principles of Drug Action & Therapeutics | 3 | Core | 1-3 | T,Th | 1:30-3:30pm | ARB R5-265 | N. Urs |
GMS 6590 | Data Discussion | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | F | 12noon-1:00pm | ARB R5-265 | J. Harrison |
GMS 6065 | Fundamentals of Cancer Biology | 3 | Seminar | 1-2 | M,W | 8:30-9:20am; 9:30am-10:30am | Cancer/Genetics Research Complex, Room 101 | D. Siemann |
GMS 6061 | Advanced Signal Transduction (ODD YEARS ONLY) | 1 | Module | 3 | MW | 9:30AM-11:00AM | TBA | D. Kopinke |
GMS 6510 | Pharmacology of Cannabis, Tobacco, and Vaping | 2 | Online Course | S. Jahn | ||||
GMS 6520 | Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics I: The Nervous System | 2 | Online Course | S. Jahn | ||||
GMS 6530 | Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics II: Cardiovascular, Renal & Respiratory Systems | 2 | Online Course | J. Harrison | ||||
GMS 6560 | Molecules to Man – Past, Present and Future | 3 | Seminar | 1-3 | T, F | 9:00am-11:00am | ARB R5-265 | J. Harrison & M. Moehle |
GMS 6531 | Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics III: Endocrine, Musculoskeletal, GI & Integumentary Systems | 2 | Online Course | M. Law | ||||
GMS 6540 | Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics IV: Cancer, Antimicrobial & Antiparasitic Agents | 2 | Online Course | B. Law & T. Rowe | ||||
GMS 6551 | Fundamentals of Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 1 | Online Course | S. Jahn | ||||
GMS 6552 | Cell Signal Therapeutic | 2 | Online Course | S. Jahn | ||||
GMS 7593 | Pharmacology Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | M | 3:30pm-4:30pm | ARB R5-265 | M. Moehle |
Physiology and Aging (PHY)
Graduate Administrator: Robyn Edwards, M-552, 294-5064,
Course No. | Course Title | Credits | Course Type | Module | Days | Time | Format | Course Director(s) |
GMS 6740 | Neuromuscular Diseases | 3 | Module | 1-3 | T & TH | 12:30-2:00 | M559 | T. Taivassalo & L. Sweeney |
GMS 6413 | Advanced Topics in Hypertension Research (Requires permission of instructor) | 2 | Online Course | see syllabus | A. Alli | |||
GMS 6400C | Principles of Medical Physiology (course director permission required) | 6 | Module | 2-3 | M-F | see syllabus | J. Kolli | |
GMS 6405 | Fundamentals of Endocrine Physiology | 1 | Module | M-F | see syllabus | J. Kolli | ||
GMS 6406 | Fundamentals of Pulmonary /Respiratory Physiology | 1 | M-F | see syllabus | P. Sayeski | |||
GMS 6408 | Fundamentals of Renal Physiology | 1 | M-F | see syllabus | J. Kolli | |||
GMS 6410 | Physiology of Circulation of Blood (Requires instructor permission) | 2 | Online Course | see syllabus | P. Sayeski | |||
GMS 6411 | Fundamentals of Cardiovascular & Muscle Physiology | 1 | M-F | see syllabus | P. Sayeski | |||
GMS 6414 | Advanced Renal Physiology (Requires instructor permission) | 2 | Online Course | see syllabus | J. Kolli | |||
GMS 6415 | Fundamentals of Gastrointestinal Physiology | 1 | M-F | see syllabus | S. Jin | |||
GMS 6471 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics I | 1 | Core | 1 | T,TH | T 1:00-2:30 ; TH 3:00-4:30 | M555 | A. Liu |
GMS 6472 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics II | 1 | Module | 2 | T, TH | T 1:00-2:30;TH 3:00-4:30 | M555 | A. Liu |
GMS 6473 | Fundamentals of Physiology & Functional Genomics III | 1 | Module | 3 | T, TH | T 1:00-2:30;TH 3:00-4:30 | M555 | A. Liu |
GMS 6491-076C | Cardio/Renal Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | M | 3:00-4:00 | M559 | M. Gumz, R. Crislip |
GMS 6491-2H79 | Muscle Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | M | 1:00-3:00 | M559 | G. Walter |
GMS 6491-2H82 | Reproduction, Pregnancy & Lifelong Impact Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | T Every Other Week | 9:30-11:30 | M337L | Helen Jones |
GMS 6491-2H80 | Aging Journal Club | 1 | Journal Club | 1-3 | TH | 3:00-4:00 | M559 | Sung Min Han |
GMS 6495 | Seminar in Physiology | 1 | Seminar | 1-3 | M | 12:00-1:00 | M559 | H. Jones |