As with all university campuses, parking on campus can be a challenge. Please note that all UF students have free access to our community’s public bus transportation system, the Gainesville Regional Transit System. However, if you must drive to campus, getting your campus parking permit is your responsibility. Decals may be purchased at the Decal Office located at the corner of Gale Lemerand Drive and Mowry Road (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday) or on-line. Once your employment record is active on 8/16, you will be able to purchase a parking decal. If you wish to obtain your parking decal prior to 8/16, please contact Amy Davis and I will provide you with an employment letter. More detailed parking information is available at the Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) website or by phone at (352) 392-2241.