Howard Hughes International Student Research Award Submission



Please complete this form and upload appropriate files if you want to be considered for the Howard Hughes International Student research award.

  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Mac people, you must add a file extension to your file name, depending on the file type, or you will not be able to upload it. Be sure to follow the format in the email and web page.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    List should include any funding from home institution, from the government of your home country, and other external awards.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Must address the nominees potential to be a scientific leader and innovator.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Mac people, you must add a file extension to your file name, depending on the file type, or you will not be able to upload it. Be sure to follow the format in the email and web page.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Including description of intended dissertation research and a brief discussion of the significance and innovation of the intended research project (may include 3rd page for bibliography of key references) Mac people, you must add a file extension to your file name, depending on the file type, or you will not be able to upload it. Be sure to follow the format in the email and web page.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Mac people, you must add a file extension to your file name, depending on the file type, or you will not be able to upload it. You may have a third page of citations.