BMS Administration

Please note – If you want the Office of Graduate Medical Education and residency programs, please click here.

The Office of Graduate Education is available to assist students, faculty and other staff members with any matters related to our graduate education and research training programs. We are located in room M134 of the Medical Sciences Building.

College of Medicine Administration

BMS Committees

Council of Academic chairs

The Council of Academic Chairs consists of the College of Medicine basic science department chairpersons and the chair of the Oral Biology Department of the College of Dentistry, and is chaired by the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. This council advises the associate dean in overall policy decisions for the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, including policies that relate to education quality such as changes in the curriculum and enrollment of faculty from other Colleges into the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. The council meets as required

BMS Directors committee

The BMS Directors Committee is made up of the Coordinators of the Advanced Programs, and chaired by the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. The BMS Directors Committee meets on a monthly basis (usually the fourth Thursday) to deliberate matters pertaining to BMS graduate program such as curriculum, rules and regulations, and finances.

NameDepartmentBMS Concentration
Maria Zajac-KayeAnatomy and Cell BiologyCancer Biology (MSA)
Dietmar Siemann, PhDRadiation OncologyCancer Biology (MSA)
Craig Vander Kooi, PhDBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBiochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSB)
Matthew Merritt, PhDBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyBiochemistry and Molecular Biology (MSB)
Maurice Swanson, PhDMolecular Genetics & MicrobiologyGenetics
Lei Zhou, PhDMolecular Genetics & MicrobiologyGenetics
Jose Lemos, PhDOral BiologyImmunology & Microbiology
Servio Ramirez, PhDPathology, Immunology & Laboratory MedicineImmunology & Microbiology
Scott Tibbetts, PhDMolecular Genetics & MicrobiologyImmunology & Microbiology
Alex Ishov, PhDAnatomy and Cell BiologyMolecular Cell Biology
Yehia Daaka, PhDAnatomy and Cell BiologyMolecular Cell Biology
Eduardo Candelario-Jalil, PhDNeuroscienceNeuroscience
Ben Giasson, PhDNeuroscienceNeuroscience
Jeff Harrison, PhDPharmacology & TherapeuticsPharmacology and Therapeutics
Gemma Casadesus, PhDPharmacology & TherapeuticsPharmacology and Therapeutics
Sung Min Han, PhDPhysiology and AgingPhysiology and Aging
Sorin JacobsGSO- BMS Student RepresentativesGraduate Student Organization
Alana O'BrienGSO- BMS Student RepresentativesGraduate Student Organization

bms Graduate studies committee

The Graduate Studies Committee is a panel of faculty that acts as the judicial board for students in the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. This panel reviews student progress in courses, research, and professionalism and applies the regulations of the program and university to individual student cases. This panel also determines the status of students who wish to enter the program with advanced standing. This committee reports directly to the Associate Dean for Graduate Education.

Darius Ramkhalawan, MSStudent GSO representative
Olga Guryanova, PhDPharmacology and Therapeutics
Ed Scott, PhD (committee chair)Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Dietmar Siemann, PhDRadiation Oncology
Glenn Walter, PhDPhysiology and Functional Genomics
David Bloom , Ph.D. Office of Graduate Education